We have noticed though a lot of our customers have concerns about having work done in and around their homes. We thought it would be a good idea to outline how we are following
government guidelines for working safely during coronavirus.
Appointments and site visits
Our office is open as usual and you are welcome to call us during our working hours. We can arrange video calls to keep on track remotely. All information that you will require during your renovation will be discussed via phone and sent to you via email.
Before the work begins
We will ask you and any other members of your household to maintain social distancing rules while our tradesmen are working onsite. There will be a clear notice board, outlining our health and safety measures for you to refer back to. If a tradesman shows symptoms they will be taken off the job immediately.
Social Distancing
Here at the office and on-site our team has strict rules concerning social distancing. We will as far as possible, keep to the recommended 2-metre distancing. If the type of work we’re doing makes that impossible we will either reduce the distance to 1-metre. If our tradesman can work individually on installation then that’s what they will be instructed to do.
Each tradesman will carry their own tools. They will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected at the beginning and the end of the day. Any shared tools will be cleaned immediately after use.
Masks and Gloves
Each member of our team will have appropriate masks. They will wear them on the journey to and from your location. Masks must be worn at all times within your home. We have also supplied our workman with disposable gloves.
Hand Washing
If you can provide hand-washing facilities so much the better. If you can’t, don’t worry our tradesman will have their own bottles of hand sanitiser which they have been advised to use regularly.
While coronavirus has changed the way we work it doesn’t mean you can’t get things done. Give us a call to talk about what you want and how we can turn your ideas into reality.